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Plazmalab & Boom festival collaborative vision Alchemy stage 2022 - It's all about the rabbit

10 January, 2023

Boomland - always feels like home 

And when we got called to design the Alchemy Circle stage - That’s when things got way more exciting for the lab’s crew.
It has been a tremendous amount of countless hours, intense out of the box thinking, new approaches and infinite deep self exploration through art. 
Like every final product - It all starts with a sketch. Our dear sister and talented painter and designer Noa Afriat got the chance to let her imagination go wild and limitless - opening the massive portal with her stage sketch and that’s when things started taking off.

With constant thinking on how to create a stunning piece that will harmonize with nature and will have a visionary impact - We started taking the sketch and going into VR design - Going into the smallest detail possible - considering the accurate space left for visual projections in order to make the stage more alive and vibrant. 
Nothing beats the feeling of seeing a vision become a real element that stands for itself - and that’s exactly what happened when we  started cutting all the shapes and forms of the actual structure. As always - The boomland welcomed Plazmalab’s crew with warm hugs and extreme excitement to see the Alchemy Circle being born under the massive structure in a human heart shape. 
Each and every step of the way, from the first foundation to the last screw - was like seeing another one of Plazmalab visionary children being born :) 

After a bit over a month of cutting, painting and building from sunrise to sunset - Including some long white nights - The moment has come and the Alchemy Circle was standing there in total silence - An unforgettable moment of the silent present, right before the massive psychedelic storm.
When the first music was playing, the visual effects were projecting and pumping vividly all over the stage, the dance floor was literally covered by a colorful sea of human beings - That’s when we as Plazmalab were absolutely melted by embracing gratitude, self belief and empowerment - The Alchemy Circle was alive. Literally alive. With every day and night that was passing it was only getting stronger and more beautiful - engraving and storing the energetic field.  And after such a long time of devoted hard and satisfying work - It was simply blissful, relieving and uplifting to see and feel it - giving  huge amounts of inner strength for us as an artistic psychedelic laboratory :)

So yeah, Plazmalab is surely about making artwear in all shapes. After all, Plazmalab clothing is where we started from - But as we all know by now - even the skies are not the limit anymore and the lab is all about development and experience - no matter what the form is - As long as it has the artistic vibration, Plazmalab will probably provide the perfect vision.

And speaking of the vibration of Boom Festival - Our online shop is full of beautiful designs from the last edition - From accessories through shirts, hoodies, tops,  and many more Plazmalab&Boom Festival collaborative goodies :) Feel free to explore while you're here.

Stay artistic
Stay blessed
And make your dreams come true.

Photo credit:

@Tranformational Eye